

Aiex Blog

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waste management
Applications of Computer Vision in waste management
This article discusses the integration of artificial intelligence in the field of recycling. We will also train a model on the AIEX platform that can...
4 Mins Read
traffic management
As urban areas continue to grow, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing, which leads to congested...
Ensemble machine learning is a powerful technique that leverages the strengths of multiple weak learning models, also known as...
Neural Network
Activation functions are the main components of neural network nodes. This article examines the various types of activation functions...
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waste management
This article discusses the integration of artificial intelligence in the field of recycling. We will also train a model...
traffic management
As urban areas continue to grow, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing, which leads to congested...
Ensemble machine learning is a powerful technique that leverages the strengths of multiple weak learning models, also known as...
Neural Network
Activation functions are the main components of neural network nodes. This article examines the various types of activation functions...
Regularization is a technique used in Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to prevent overfitting. This paper introduces L1,...
Machine Learning Engineers Should Use Docker
Docker is a platform that enables developers to easily create, deploy, and run applications in containers, and has gained...