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Projects Basics in AIEX Platform

Projects Basics in AIEX Platform

What is a Project?

A project in AIEX is represented by a dataset and is a collection of data and artifacts related to that specific dataset. It includes the dataset and its versions, categories or labels, and any other resources created while working with the dataset, such as versions, trains, and deployments. There are three types of projects, each designed for a specific goal.

  • Classification projects: These projects are used to train models that can classify images into different classes. These models provide a general overview of the image, such as identifying that it is a picture of a dog, but they are not able to provide specific details about the image, such as the location of the dog within it. Only classification models can be trained in classification projects.
  • Object Detection projects: Models trained in Object Detection projects are capable of detecting multiple objects from various categories simultaneously, and they can accurately determine the bounding boxes around these objects in the image.
  • Segmentation projects: These projects are used to train models that can identify and precisely locate objects within an image, down to the level of individual pixels. These models are also able to detect multiple objects from various categories simultaneously, and they can accurately determine the specific pixels occupied by these objects in the image. It’s important to note that while object detection models can be trained on segmentation datasets, the reverse is not possible.

Each project type has its own algorithms and annotation tools. For example, classification projects use labels, object detection projects use bounding boxes, and segmentation projects use polygons to annotate dataset images.

The choice of project type depends on the specific requirements of your project.

Creating a New Project

There are 3 ways to create a new project:

  1. Creating a new project from scratch
  2. Creating a new project from existing projects on the AIEX platform and finally
  3. Creating a new project by importing projects from an external location.

1. Creating a New Project from Scratch

To create a new project from scratch, simply click the “CREATE NEW PROJECT” button in your organization’s workspace. A modal will appear where you can enter the name, a number of tags to better classify your project, a description  to help define the scope of the project and its features, for your project, as well as select the project type. While the name, tags, and description are optional and can be changed later, the project type is required and cannot be altered once the project is created. ​​If you want to convert your project to a different type, you can do so by creating a new project. However, please be aware that this will not transfer any trained models or versions from the original project, and you will need to start training a new model from scratch.

Projects Basics


Projects Basics

2. Creating a New Project from Existing Projects on the AIEX Platform

You can use existing projects as a foundation to start a new project in AIEX. This can be useful if you want to reuse data from a previous project, or if you want to combine and generate new data from multiple projects. There are two ways to create a new project based on existing projects in AIEX:

  • Duplicating a Dataset from an Existing Project

To duplicate an existing project in AIEX, simply click on the  Icon next to the project name in your organization workspace and select “Duplicate Project.” A modal will open, asking you to name the newly duplicated project.

  • Keep in mind that the process of duplicating a project may take a while, depending on the amount of data in the original project. If the number of images in the duplicate project does not match the original, try refreshing the page after a few moments. Please be patient as the duplicate project is being created.

When you duplicate a project:


  • Merging Two or More Datasets from Existing Projects

To merge multiple datasets into a single new project in AIEX, click on the “CREATE A NEW PROJECT” button in your organization workspace and select “Merge Datasets.” Select the projects that you want to merge, and click “MERGE SELECTION.” In the subsequent modal, enter a name for the new project and select the appropriate project type. Click “Create Project” to create a new project, which will contain the merged data from the original projects. Please note that the original projects will remain unchanged and a new project, containing data copied from the selected projects, will be created.

Generally, when merging two or more projects:

It is possible to merge projects of different types in AIEX, such as Classification, Object Detection, and Segmentation. While some project types are compatible with each other for merging, others may not be. Let’s see what when combining projects of different types:

Segmentation -> Object Detection:

Segmentation projects are fully compatible with Object Detection projects. Converting a segmentation project into an object detection project will transform all the polygons into bounding boxes.

Segmentation -> Classification:

When attempting to convert a segmentation project into a classification project, only the images will be carried over to the new project.

Object Detection -> Segmentation:

Object detection -> Classification:

Object detection projects are not compatible with classification projects. When attempting to convert an object detection project into a classification project, only the images will be carried over to the new project. In short:

  • Object detection projects are fully compatible with segmentation projects. After converting an object detection project into a segmentation project, all the bounding boxes are transformed into box-shaped polygons. You can add points to the generated polygons at your will. Please note that training a segmentation algorithm on boxes is not recommended and it is recommended to identify objects using polygons first.
  • When converting a project into an incompatible project, all the images, regardless of their type, will carry over to the new project, though
  • Classification projects are not compatible with other project types. Meaning that while the images carry over, the labels cannot be transformed into polygons or boxes. Furthermore, polygons and boxes cannot be transformed into labels as an image might contain several annotations from different categories.

Project types

There are 3 types of computer vision projects:

  • Classification projects: These projects involve training a model to classify images into different categories. The trained model provides a general prediction based on the image, but it is not able to provide specific details about the image, such as the location of an object within it. For example, it can tell if an image contains a dog, but it cannot specify exactly where the dog is located within the image or how many dogs are present.
  • Object Detection projects: These projects involve training a model to detect specific objects and determine the bounding box containing the object in an image. An object detection model is able to detect multiple objects from various categories at the same time and locate them within the image.
  • Segmentation projects: These projects involve training a model to detect specific objects and identify the exact pixels occupied by the object within an image. The model is able to locate objects with pixel-level precision and detect multiple objects from various categories at the same time. It is important to note that while object detection models can be trained on segmentation datasets, the reverse is not possible.

Each project type has its own specific algorithms and annotation tools. Classification projects use labels for annotation, object detection projects use bounding boxes, and segmentation projects use polygons. Each has different specialized training algorithms available to them, as well.

When choosing between project types, it’s important to consider the use cases it will be applied to.


Project tags, and how to use them

Project tags are used to classify projects. They can help you find similar projects, or locate related data. It is important to keep tags simple and to the point to make them most useful. For example, tags can be used to distinguish research projects from business projects.

Tags can be added to a project when it is created or from within the project itself. To add tags when creating a new project, you can choose from the existing tags within your organization or create new ones using the button.

Projects Basics

To view, add, or edit tags for an existing project, click the ‘Show details’ button and then navigate to the tags section. Here, you can view, add, or edit the tags for the project.

Projects Basics

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